Sunday, September 05, 2004

Dragonstar #1

"Lets Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas played as the first Pay Per View in SPW history, Dragonstar 5, began. After the announcers talked about the card for a bit, it was time for the first match.


 The Unstoppable Force put the Tag Titles on the line against 5 Alarm in a rematch from Night Of Champions. Virus and Inferno started things out. They went back and forth for several minutes before Inferno caught Virus off guard with a Spin Kick. He landed several punches before knocking Virus down with a Drop Kick and locking him in a Half Nelson. Virus managed to break out of the hold and plant Inferno with the Pedigree, but Smoke broke up the following pin fall at 2. He set Smoke up for the Viral Slam, but Inferno grabbed him and connected with the Shoryuken.

A groggy Inferno left the ring, making Smoke the legal man. Smoke climbed to the top rope and wnt for a Moonsault, but Virus rolled out of the way. They got to their feet, but Virus sent Smoke back to the mat with a Reverse Suplex and tagged in Dante.

Dante knocked Smoke down with a Clothsline and locked him in a Front Face Lock, but smoke managed to get to the ropes. They began trading punches, but Dante gained control and connected with a Swinging Neckbreaker. He went for the Frogsplash, but Inferno pulled his brother out of the way and Dante went crashing into the mat.

 Inferno knocked Virus off the apron as smoke climbed to th top rope. They sent Dante to the mat with Wildfire and Inferno went for the pin as Smoke rolled out of the ring. The ref took a moment to realise that Smoke had left the ring and make the count, giving Virus the time he needed to break up the pin.

The Unstoppable Force double teamed Inferno, whipping him into the ropes sending him to the mat with a Clothsline and then a double Suplex. Virus left the ring as Dante nailed Smoke with a Dropkick, knocking him off the apron. As he recovered, Inferno nailed him with the Shoryuken. Three seconds later, 5 Alarm was the new Tag Team Champions.

Julie Carpenter was backstage with The Dark Knight. He said that tonight he takes the first step towards dominating SPW just like he dominated WCWF. Tonight, he would defeat The Iceman and at Fall Fight, he would become the SPW Heavyweight Champion.


 After a commercial for Powersurge, it was time for the match between The Iceman and The Dark Knight. As they walked to the ring, the announcer reminded people watching that if he wins tonight, Dark Knight would get a shot at the title at Fall Fight. Dark Knight looked around, seemingly concerned about the fact that fans were booing him. The announcers talked about how he was cheered last when he debuted, and that the fans obviously wanted to believe that he was no longer the villainous man he was in WCWF, but after getting help from the Black Dragons the fans were having trouble believing him.

After shaking hands, the long time friends locked up. They pushed each other around the ring, trying to gain the advantage. Finally Dark Knight pushed Iceman into the corner. The ref split them up and Dark Knight backed away, giving Iceman the room he needed to Spear the Dark Knight.

Iceman picked him up, but the Dark Knight nailed him with an uppercut. After several more punches he sent Iceman crashing to the mat with a Bulldog. Dark Knight locked Iceman in a Keylock, but Iceman managed to get to the ropes and break the hold. Both men got to their feet, but Iceman surprised Dark Knight with the Rolling Dropkick.

They begin trading chops until Iceman whiped Dark Knight into the ropes. He tried for a Clothsline, but Dark Knight ducked it. He sent Iceman to the mat with a German Suplex and bridged it for the pin, but only got a two count.

They locked up in the center of the ring and Dark Knight kneed Iceman in the stomach before sending him to the mat with a DDT. He contacted with the Jawbreaker, but again could only get a two count. He locked Iceman in a Reverse Chin Lock, but the Hardcore Hero managed to fight out of it. He whipped Dark Knight into the ropes and knocked him down with a Shoulder Block. Dark Knight started to get to his feet, but Iceman sent him back down with the Millenium Suplex and went for the pin.

As the ref started the count, the Black Dragons ran in from the crowd. 5 Alarm pulled the ref out of the ring and whipped him into the barrier as Reptile pulled Iceman out. Iceman fought them off, knocking 5 Alarm down before Reptile connected with the Devil Spin Kick. He rolled Iceman into the ring as the ref groggily returned to the ring. Reptile threw Dark Knight's arm onto Iceman and the Dragons left as the ref made the three count, giving Dark Knight the win.

The two friends helped each other up and shook hand, congratulating each other on a great match as they stared up the ramp and at the retreating Dragons.

After an ad for Fall Fight, Julie Carpenter caught up with the Dragons. They didn't say why they had helped Dark Knight, saying only that they had their reasons. Reptile grabbed the mic and said the tonight, he would extinguish Firestorm and send a message. Whether it was Iceman, Dark Knight, or Virus, he would be coming for the title, and he would do the same thing to them to get it.


After a video package showing footage from the last few weeks, it was time for Jade to put the Woman’s title one the line against Millena. After some trash talking, Millena slapped Jade as soon as the bell rang. Jade responded by tackling her and landing punches until the ref separated them. They got to their feet and continued trading punches until Millena ducked one and sent Jade to the mat with a German Suplex. She locked Jade in a Triangle Choke, but the champion was able to get a foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

Both women got to their feet and Jade took a page from her boyfriend's play book, Spearing Millena. She landed a few punches before going to the top rope. She tried for a Split Leg Moonsault, but Millena rolled out of the way. She locked Jade in a Half Crab, but the champion managed to get to the ropes.

Jade sent Millena to the mat with the Sonicarrana and went for the pin, but could only get a two count. She picked Millena up and signaled for a second one, but Millena broke free. She set Jade up for a Powerbomb, but Jade reversed it into the Sonicarrana and went for the pin again.

Before the ref could start the count, a fan wearing a hood jumped the barricade and entered the ring, attacking Jade and giving her the win by DQ. He threw back the hood to reveal Dustin Silver. Smiling he sent Jade crashing to the mat with the Silver Streak before The Iceman ran to the ring with a chair. Silver ran as security entered the ring. With security between him and Silver, The Iceman checked on his girlfriend as the camera cut to backstage.

Commissioner Bret Hurtz walked into the Black Dragon's dressing room, followed by the Unstoppable Force. He congratulated 5 Alarm on winning the tag belts, but said there was a problem. He reviewed the tape and saw that Dante's foot was on the bottom rope when the ref made the three count. As a result, the match should have continued. Since it should have continued but didn't, he was throwing out the match. Picking up the belts, Hurtz gave them back to Virus and Dante. The Dragons started complaining but Hurtz stopped them. He said that he had already booked a rematch, and it would take place on the next episode of Powersurge. Not only that, but it would be a cage match. Wishing Reptile good luck tonight, Hurtz left, Dante and 5 Alarm stared at each other as Virus stood back, a worried look on his face.


A video package showed footage from the last few weeks involving Firestorm and Reptile. After it ended, Reptile made his way to the ring. He said that it sucked that 5 Alarm would have to win a cage match to take back what was theirs, but tonight, not only would he send a message to the three he mentioned earlier, but also to the Unstoppable Force. Because what he did to Firestorm tonight was what 5 Alarm would do to them on Wednesday.

The lights went out and flames erupted through out the arena. When the lights came back on, Firestorm was standing in the center of the ring holding a chair. He nailed Reptile with the chair and threw it out of the ring as the ref called for the bell. He locked Reptile in a Cobra Clutch in the center of the ring. 5 Alarm ran down to the ring and attacked Firestorm. He fought them off and stopped the ref from calling for the bell to end the match, yelling that he wanted this to be no DQ.

He turned around and stopped just short of being nailed by the Shoryuken. He punched Inferno in the stomach and was about to DDT him. Instead he picked Inferno up and spun around, letting him go and causing him to go flying into Smoke and Reptile. He nailed Reptile with a Shining Wizard and began dragging his eyes against the ropes. The ref told him to let Reptile go and began a 5 count, but Firestorm again yelled that he wanted No DQ.

He let Reptile go and picked up the chair, nearly decapitating Smoke with a chair shot. Inferno began punching him, but they didn't seem to phase Firestorm as he grabbed Inferno by the throat. Reptile charged towards Firestorm but was met with a big boot before Inferno got Chockslammed into the chair. Firestorm pulled a lighter out of his boot and spun around, sending a Fireball at Smoke who rolled out of the ring holding his face.

As Firestorm stared down at Smoke, Reptile nailed him in the back with the chair. Several more chairshots sent Firestorm to his knees. Reptile smiled as he moved in for the kill but Firestorm nailed him with a Low Blow. Reptile doubled over in pain as firestorm grabbed the chair and smashed it into Reptile's face with an upward swing, busting him open.

Firestorm placed Reptile in the corner and slammed his face into the turnbuckle several times before climbing to the top rope. Blood poured down reptiles face as Firestorm took some and smeared it onto his mask and smiled. He sent Reptile flying across the ring with a Twisting Armbreaker variation, sending him crashing into Inferno. He grabbed Inferno pressed him above his head before throwing him out of the ring. With 5 Alarm dealt with and Reptile a bloody mess, it was easy for Firestorm to get the pin.

After the bell rang, Firestorm surveyed the chaos he had created. He took his fingers and dipped them in Firestorms blood before writing DOA on Reptile's chest. He grabbed a blanket from under the ring and laid it over Reptile. Smiling, Firestorm walked to the back, pausing and watching as paramedics made their way to the ring.

Dante stood in the back with Julie Carpenter, holding one of the Tag belts. He said that Hurtz made the right decision, and on Wednesday, he and Virus would retain their tag team championships. The example Reptile had promised had been pathetic, and tonight he was going to show the Dragons what to expect when he beat the Biggest Man In Sports Entertainment, Fezik.


That match was next. Dante took the fight to the big man as soon as the bell rang, landing several punches. But Fezik turned the match around quickly by blocking a punch and nailing Dante with a Headbutt. He picked Dane up and tried for a Powerbimb, but Dante reversed it into a Headscissors. He followed that up with a Drop kick to the head and locked Fezik in a Camel Clutch, but Fezik got to his feet and backed up, slamming Dante into the turnbuckles several times till he let go.

Fezik pummeled Dante with punches and tried for an Irish Whip, but Dante reversed it and whipped him across the ring instead. Dante bounced off the opposite ropes and nailed Fezik with a Dropkick to the knee. He glanced over at Fezik's manager, Johnny Fantastic before locking him in a Figure Four Leg Lock.

Fantastic entered the ring to help his client, but the ref stopped him as Fezik started tapping out. Dante started arguing with the ref, giving Fezik the time he needed to recover. Dante went up top for the Frog Splash, but Fezik rolled out of the way and Dante crashed to the mat. He picked Dante up and sent him back down with the Capafara and went for the pin.

Before the ref could start the three count, Brick Larson jumped over the barrier and entered the ring. He attacked Fezik as the ref called for the bell, laying him out with the Brick Layer. Larson began walking to the back while Fantastic went to check on his client. Larson returned to the ring and sent Fantastic to the mat with another Brick Layer. He stared at the ring, smiling and rubbing his arm as security escorted him to the back.

The Virus had a mic backstage. He said that at Night of Champions, he didn't know what to expect when he went up against Iceman. This time was different. He said that tonight, he would show Iceman why Nobody beats The Virus.


The main event was a rematch from Night Of Champions as The Iceman put the heavyweight title on the line against The Virus. After a video showing footage from the last few weeks, they made their way to the ring. They shook hands in the center of the ring and waited for the bell.

As soon as the bell rang, Iceman went for a Spear. Virus dodged it and grabbed Iceman, sending him to the mat with a German Suplex. He tried for a second one, but Iceman escaped and knocked him down with a Dropkick to the back. He tried for the Glacier Lock, but Virus reversed it into a Boston Crab. Iceman reached back and grabbed one of Virus' feet, pulling it out from under him and and going for the Sharpshooter, but Virus managed to escape.

The crowd was cheering as they locked up in the center of the ring. Iceman managed to gain the advantage and sent Virus to the mat, locking him in a Fujiwara Armbar. Virus tried to reverse it, but the Hardcore Hero rolled on top of him and went for the pin.

Virus kicked out on 2. Both men got to their feet and began trading chops till Virus sent Iceman to the mat with a Vertical Suplex. He landed a Leg Drop and went for the pin but could only get 2.

Virus tried for a Figure 4 Leg Lock, but Iceman got to the ropes to break it. He tried for a Sharpshooter, but Iceman punched his way out of it. Iceman went for a kick, but Virus caught it. Iceman connected with and Enziguri followed by a Standing Moonsault and went for the pin.

Virus kicked out on 1. Iceman went for a Cross Armbreaker, but Virus got his foot on the bottom rope. They got to their feet and Virus whipped Iceman across the ring, caught him and sent him to the mat with a Powerslam. He set Iceman up for the Pedigree, but Iceman reversed it in a Double Leg Takedown and went for the Sharpshooter again. Virus pushed him away and sent Iceman out of the ring with a Clothsline.

The fight went to the outside as Virus connected with several chops before sending Iceman to the floor with a Powerbomb. He catapulted Iceman head first into the ringpost, busting him open. He pulled Iceman to the entrance ramp and went for a Powerbomb, but Iceman reversed it into a Hurricarrana.

Iceman's face was a crimson mask as he got to his feet. He punched Virus several times before sending him into the entrance ramp face first with an Evenflow DDT, busting him open. He threw Virus into the ring and went to the top rope for Sonic Rotation, but Virus rolled out of the way.

Virus slamed Iceman's head into his knee a few times before going for the Pedigree. Iceman pushed him away and connected with a Superkick. He sent Virus to the mat with the Millenium Suplex and went up top before landing the Sonic Rotation. He went for the win and got the three count to retain the Heavyweight Championship.

The fans gave the two men a standing ovation as Iceman helped Virus up. They shook hands in the center of the ring as Dragonstar 5 went off the air.

5 Alarm defeated Unstoppable Force to become the Tag Team Champions The Dark Knight defeated The Iceman Jade defeated Millena by disqualification to retain the Woman’s title Firestorm defeated Reptile Fezik defeated Dante by Disqualification The Iceman defeated The Virus to retain the Heavyweight Championship

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Powersurge #2

After footage from last week was shown, that announcers said that after last week's episode of Powersurge went off the air, Reptile accepted Firestorm's challenge.  At Dragonstar it would be Reptile against Firestorm.  They also announced that last week's contendership match between Millena and Oni had been thrown out.  They would face off this week, and if Reptile got involved, he would be suspended.

That match was next.  Millena looked worried that she had no back up and the Kombatants accompanied their sister to the ring.  She struck as soon as the bell rang.  It didn't take long before Oni took control of the mach, locking her in a Rear Naked Choke.  Millina powered out of it, but was soon locked in an STF.  5 Alarm ran down to help her, but the Kombatants were ready for them.  Oni went to help her brothers, but Millena rolled her up in a School Girl for a 2 count.  Millena locked her in a Rear Naked Choke of her own, but Oni got to the ropes.  Oni connected with a Spinning DDT and went for the Hammer Heel Kick, but Millena avoided it and rolled Oni up with a modified Clutch Roll to get the 3 count and once again become #1 contender to the Women's Championship.

After a commercial break, Julie Carpenter was with SPW's power couple. Women's Champion Jade and Heavyweight Champion The Iceman.  After a few questions about their relationship, including if there were wedding bells in their future, she asked them about their opponents at Dragonstar.  Jade said that he had been impressed with Millena's first three matches and that if she lost at Dragonstar, she wouldn't like it, but she would be ok with it as long as she lost it fair and square.  The Iceman said that at Night Of Champions, neither he nor Virus knew what to expect.  This time would be different.  He was looking forward to facing Virus again and said that the best man would win.

Reptile took on "The Superstar" Nate Nooft in the next match.  during the introductions, it was announced that if Nooft won the match, he would be given a contract.  As a student of  The Iceman's Hardcore Dojo, Nooft took the fight to his mentor's nemesis as soon as the bell rang, but he went for the Shooting Star Press too soon.  Reptile got his knees up, blocking it and taking control of the match.  He dominated the inexperienced Nooft and sent him to the mat with Venom before placing a foot on his chest and getting the pin.

After the match 5 Alarm ran down to the ring carrying a steel chair and a garbage can.  Reptile blasted Nooft with the chair several times, busting him open.  5 Alarm sent him into the garbage can with Wildfire before Reptile spiked him into the chair with another dose of Venom.  He held Nooft's bloody face before the camera as Smoke handed him a mic.  He said that Firestorm thought he would destroy Reptile at Dragonstar, but this is what was going to happen to him.  He was going to destroy Firestorm.  Flames erupted from the ring posts and apron as Firestorm appeared on the jumbotron.  He said that Reptile had never been able to defeat him with out cheating or help.  He said that if Reptile thought he could defeat him, to tell 5 Alarm to stay away from the ring and we would see who would destroy who.

After an ad for Dragonstar, Fezik was seen walking backstage when he heard a familiar voice.  Turning, he saw his manager from WCWF, Johnny Fantastic.  He apologized for not being there last week due to other obligations, but here was here now and he would stick with Fezik.  He said he would lead Fezik to gold, and would manage him until Fezik was Heavyweight Champion.

As they walked down the hall, they saw Dante heading for the ring.  He said that last week Fezik had insulted him.  He saw Fezik after the show and decided to welcome him to SPW, but Fezik refused to shake his hand and accused him of hurting people.  That was in his past, and he is a changed man.  The old him would have destroyed Fezik then and there.  The new him went to see Commissioner Hurtz.  Dante looked up at Fezik and said that he would teach him not to insult him at Dragonstar, where it will be Fezik VS Dante.

The main saw Tag Team Champion The Unstoppable Force and Heavyweight Champion The Iceman teaming up to face 5 Alarm and The Dark Knight.  There was apparent tension on both sides, with the Dark Knight not liking the fact that he had to team with 5 Alarm after they helped him defeat Fezik last week.  Tensions were high on the other side of the ring as well, with Virus and The Iceman just days away from their rematch at Dragonstar.

After a few moments of both sides arguing with each other, the match started and both teams worked well together.  The crowd were on their feet when The Iceman and The Dark Knight got into the ring together part way through the match.  Iceman rolled past Dark Knight and connected with a Drop Kick.  The cheers of the fans were deafening as the two friends stood and smiled at each other.

The match went back and forth until 5 Alarm was about to send The Virus to the mat with Wildfire.  The Iceman entered the ring and speared Inferno as Dante and the Dark Knight entered the ring.  All six men started fighting in the ring, but the champions gained control and connected with their finishers.  Iceman and Virus stared at each other as they hit theirs.  Virus connected with the Pedigree to Inferno to get the pin.

After the match, the winners start celebrating, but the celebration is short lives as 5 Alarm and The Dark Knight get to their feet.  All six men stared at each other as Powersurge goes off the air.


Millena defeated Oni to become #1 Contender to the Women's Title
Reptile defeated "The Superstar" Nate Nooft
Iceman/Unstoppable Force defeated Dark Knight/5 Alarm

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Powersurge #1

Footage from Night Of Champions is shown. When it finish, "Set It Off" by P.O.D. plays as the first episode of Powersurge begins. After the "Mad Mikey" Madden and Tommy Dangerous talked about Night Of Champions, the Black Dragons made their way to the ring. As they walked to the ring, it was announced that the Unstoppable Force would be defending the Tag Team Championship against 5 Alarm at Dragonstar 4.

Reptile grabbed the mic and talked about how he was cheated out of what he felt was his. That he would have won the belt if it hadn't been for interference by the "Freak in red." He called the man who interfered in his match out to the ring. Suddenly flames erupted on stage, traveled down the ramp and shot out of the ring posts before a man in a red mask appeared on the Jumbotron. He said that what he did to Reptile at Night Of Champions was a taste of things to come. That Reptile had been tormenting him for years but someone or something always prevented him from destroying Reptile. He said that at Dargonstar, there would be nothing to stop him and he would feel the full fury of Firestorm Unleashed. The Dragons made their way to the back, not saying whether or not Reptile accepted the challenge, as Powersurge went to a commercial.

As Powesurge returned form commercial, the Heavyweight Champion The Iceman made his way to the ring. After talking about Night Of Champions, he said something was wrong. Looking at Madden, he said that some people wondered f he deserved to be champion. After all, He had been in only one match, while Virus had been in two, including the one right before the main event. With that he called Virus to the ring. He said that he had talked to Commissioner Bret Hurtz and at Dragonstar, we would see who was the better man as they would face each other again with the belt on the line. Virus pointed out that he was already defending the Tag belts against 5 Alarm, but Iceman was ready. The Tag Team title match would be the first one, and Iceman would be in the second one against the winner of tonight's main event: Fezik or The Dark Knight. After thinking about it for a second, Virus accepted, saying that he didn't know what to expect at Night Of Champions. At Dragonstar, he would be ready for The Iceman. They shook hands as Powersurge went to commercial.

The first match of the night saw Oni facing Millena to see who would be facing Jade for the Women's title at Dragonstar. Reptile accompanied Millina to the ring. Both women traded control of the match early on, with both scoring several near falls. Oni locked Millena in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Reptile pulled her out off Millena. She started yelling at Reptile, giving Millina the opportunity she needed. She rolled Oni up with a School Girl to get the pinfall and become the #1 contender to the Women's Title.

After an ad for Dragonstar, The Kombatants teamed up to face 5 Alarm. Both teams started talking trash before the bell rang and started fighting as soon as it did. 5 Alarm used quick tags and isolated Scorpion in their corner. They went for the Wild Fire, but Iceman save his brother and got the tag. He speared Inferno and sent him to the mat with the Millenium Suplex. He went for the pin, but Reptile ran to the ring and pulled him out. They started fighting outside the ring as the ref called for the bell, disqualifying 5 Alarm. Scorpion tried to help his brother, but they were no match for the superior numbers of the Black Dragons until flames erupted from the stage, startling the Dragons and giving the Kombatants the chance they needed to connect with their finishers. They retreated to the back as Powersurge went to a comemrcail.

After the commercial, the Kombatants were walking in back when they saw The Dark Knight. They welcomed their friend to SPW, but he was upset that he had to face Fezik in his first match in several months. Iceman said he knew something that might help Dark Knight win. If the person who wins tonight defeats the Hardcore Hero at Dagonstar, the will also earn a shot at the title at Fall Fight. Dark Knight smiled and said he better hurry. His match was next.

The Dark Knight took on the Biggest Man In Pro Wrestling, Fezik, in the main event. The powerful Fezik dominated Dark Knight in the opening minutes of the match until Dark Knight left the ring. He grabbed a chair and returned to the ring, but the ref took the chair. With the ref's back turned, Dark Knight nailed Fezik with a Low Blow. He locked him in a Scorpion Death Lock, but Fezik powered out of it. He sent Dark Knight to the mat with the Capafara and went for the pin, but 5 Alarm ran to the ring. They distracted the ref while Reptile tossed him a pair of Brass Knuckles. He nailed Fezik with a loaded Uppercut and got the pin. He started celebrating until he remembered how he won. Dark Knight stared at the Dragons as they retreated up the ramp and Powersurge went off the air.


Millina defeated Oni to become #1 Contender to the Women's Title
The Kombatants defeated 5 Alarm by Diqualification
The Dark Knight defeated Fezik

Monday, August 23, 2004

Night Of Champions

"Faith Of The Heart" by Russell Watson and "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica plays as footage of the wrestlers competing tonight was shown. After the footage ended, Tommy Dangerous and "Mad Mikey" Madden welcomed everyone to Superstar Pro Wrestling.

Former World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hurtz made his way to the ring and welcomed everyone to Night Of Champions. After announcing that he had been named Commissioner of SPW by the Board Of Directors, he called out the teams that would be competing for the Tag Team Championship later tonight; 5 Alarm and the Unstoppable Force. He said that there was a slight change of plans for tonight. John Majors was supposed to participate in the Heavyweight Title tournament, but was out due to injury. As a result, the four men in the ring would draw straws to see who would face Reptile. All made their picks and the one with the short straw was The Virus.


Reptile came out and said that Virus may as well walk to the back and forfeit the match, because he would win and become the first SPW Heavyweight Champion. They started arguing and Hurtz said that if they wanted to fight that was fine. The Women's title match would be moved back, the ring would be cleared, and their match would be next.

Both men started trading punches and kicks. Virus gained the advantage and attempted to Clothsline Reptile out of the ring, but Reptile avoided it and Virus went out instead. They began fighting on the floor as the ref started the ten count. They both returned to the ring as the ref reached 9 and Virus connected with a DDT before going for the pin. Millena ran down to the ring and distracted the ref before he could make the 3 count. As Virus argued with the ref, Reptile rolled him up in a small package for 2.

Reptile sent Virus to the mat with a Bulldog and went for Venom, but Virus powered out of Reptile's grip and threw him over the top rope, giving him time to recover. Reptile tried to return to the ring but Virus connected with a Baseball Slide. They resume fighting outside, and Virus went for a Powerbimb, but Reptile countered it with a Low Blow and returned to the ring.

Virus gets to the ring apron as the ref reached 7. Reptile tried to knock him off, but Virus blocked a punch and countered with one of his own before returning to the ring. He went for a DDT, but Reptile fought out of it and connected with the Devil Spin Kick, but could only get a 2 count. As Reptile argued with the ref, Virus sent him to the mat with a German Suplex, but Reptile kicked out on 2.

Both men got to their feet and started trading punches. Virus went for the Pedigree, but Reptile managed to escape and connected with a stiff kick. He whipped Virus into the corner and landed several punches before sending Virus to the mat with Venom. Before Reptile could get the pin, a masked man in red ran down to the ring. Reptile tried for a sidekick, but the masked man caught the kick and sent Reptile to the mat with a Capture Suplex before retreating to the back.

Both men got to their feet at the same time, but The virus was a little faster and managed to send Reptile to the mat with the Pedigree to get the win and advance to the main event.

An ad for SPW's weekly show, Powersurge, which will premier next Sunday aired. Tommy Dangerous told everyone to tune in to the first episode of Powersurge as two huge new members to the roster will make their SPW debut.


Oni, Millena, and Jade squared off to determine the first SPW Women's Champion. Madden pointed out the friendship between Jade and Oni as the women made their way to the ring, suggesting that Millena would be at a disadvantage, and it seemed like he was right as the bell rang. Jade and Oni teamed up against Millena until Millena ducked a punch, causing Jade to punch Oni. They started fighting as Millena looked on. Jade climbed to the top rope, but before she could do anything, Oni pushed her off and sent her crashing to the floor.

As Oni turned around, she was greeted by a Dropkick from Millena. The two traded chops until Jade returned to the ring and nailed Oni with a Missle Dropkick from the top rope. They continued to fight, ignoring Millena. Oni sent Jade flying with a Snap Suplex, but before she could do anything else, Millena attacked, eventually throwing Oni out of the ring. She then concentrated on Jade, landing several punches and kicks. Jade managed to fight back and sent Millena flying over the top rope with a Dropkick.

Oni snuck back into the ring and whipped Jade into the corner. She landed several punches before sending Jade to the mat with a Bulldog. She went for a Springboard Splash, but Jade rolled out of the way.

Millena returned to the ring and locked Jade in a Side Headlock, turning her away from the ref and landing a few punches to the face. Jade managed to break free and caught Millena's foot when she went for a Sidekick. Oni jumped off the top rope and connected with a Crossbody to both of them, sending all three women to the mat. The ref started a 10 count, but all three of them managed to get to their feet by 6. Jade and Oni double team Millena, sending her to the mat with a Double Clothsline before Oni connected with the Hammer Heel Kick. Before she could go for the pin, Jade rolled her up with a School Girl to get the 3 count and become the first SPW Women's Champion.


After an ad for Dragonstar 5, it was time to see who would face The Virus for the Heavyweight title as The Iceman took on his brother Scorpion. After shaking hands, the brothers began circling each other until Scorpion whipped Iceman into the corner. He went for a dropkick but the Hardcore Hero moved out of the way. He picked Scorpion up and was going to go for the Millennium Suplex, but Scorpion escaped and connected with the Quick Strike. He went for a Leg Drop, but Iceman again moved out of the way. He connected with several punches and whipped Scorpion into the ropes, but Scorpion was ready and nailed his brother with a Springboard Spinning Wheel Kick. He went for the pin, but Iceman kicked out on 2.

Both men get to their feet and Iceman tried for a Roundhouse, but Scorpion jumped over the ropes to avoid it. He tried for another Springboard Spinning Wheel Kick, but Iceman drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring. He returns to the ring and Scorpion tries for a Side Kick, but Iceman dodges it and sends Scorpion to the mat with a Back Drop. Iceman whipped Scorpion into the corner and connected with a Drop Kick. He went for the Spear, but Scorpion avoided the move, sending Iceman into the ring post and busting him open.

Scorpion connects with a stiff Side Kick. He tries for a Suplex, but Iceman escapes and lands several punches before sending Scorpion to the mat with a DDT. As Scorpion gets up, Iceman sends him back down with a Spear and goes for the pin, but only gets 2.

Both men get to their feet and Iceman tries for a Superkick, but Scorpion blocks it and sends his brother to the mat with a Dragon Screw. He locks Iceman in the Scorpion's Grip, but Iceman gets to the ropes. He locks Scorpion in a Cross Arm Breaker, but Scorpion also gets to the ropes. Scorpion connected a European Uppercut and tried for a Powerbomb, but Iceman revered it into the Sonicarrana to get the win and advance to the main event. He helps his brother up and they shake hands as Night Of Champions goes to a commercial.


The Unstoppable Force took on 5 Alarm to see who would be the first ever SPW Tag Team Champions. 5 Alarm attacked before the bell rang and it was a few minutes before the ref could get Dante and Inferno out of the ring. Smoke quickly took control, connecting with a Dropkick to the knees followed by a Spinning Wheel Kick to the head. He tried for a Side Kick, but Virus blocked it and sent him to the mat with a Clothsline. He tried for a Suplex, but Smoke reversed it and went for one of his own. Virus escaped and sent Smoke flying across the ring with a Release German Suplex. He went for the pin, but could only get a 2 count.

Virus tagged in Dante. Dante climbed to the top rope and nailed Smoke with a Missile Dropkick. He applied the Iron Claw, but Smoke broke the hold with a Thumb to the eye. He tagged in Inferno, who went for a Clothsline, but Dante sent him to the mat with a deep Arm Drag and locked him in an Arm Bar. Inferno got to the ropes, breaking the hold and both men got to their feet. They locked up, but Dante gained the advantage and sent Inferno to the mat with a Snap Suplex. He climbed to the top rope and tried for the Frog Splash, but Inferno rolled out of the way.

Inferno locked Dante in a Side Headlock. Dante got to the ropes and Inferno whipped him into the corner. He connected with the Shoryuken and went for the pin, but Dante managed to kick out on 2. He picked up Dante and went for a second Shoryuken, but Dante dodged it and sent Inferno to the mat with a Spinebuster before tagging in Virus.

Virus entered the ring and blocked a punch before connecting with one of his own. He whipped Inferno into the ropes and sent him to the mat with a Powerbomb before going for a Leg Drop. Inferno rolled out of the way and connected with a stiff kick to the head. He went for a DDT, but Virus reversed it into a Back Drop. He tried for a Vertical Suplex, but Inferno reversed it and sent Virus to the mat with a Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop.

Inferno signaled for Wild Fire. He lifted Virus into position, but before Smoke could jump, Dante ran in and pulled Virus down. Both team started fighting until Dante sent Smoke over the top rope and followed him out. Inferno was about to follow when Virus grabbed him and sent him to the mat with the Pedigree. 3 seconds later and the Unstoppable Force were the Tag Team Champions.

Julie Carpenter was backstage with Commissioner Bret Hurtz. To reminded everyone to tune in this Wednesday to the first ever Powersurge. In addition to news on the first SPW Pay Per View, Dragonstar 5, the main event of Powersurge would feature two huge new superstars making their SPW debut.


A video is shown of the careers of The Virus and The Iceman leading up to tonight's main event. Virus was still in the ring holding the Tag Team belt as Iceman walked down the ramp. He checked to see if Virus was ready and both men shook hands as the bell rang.

They locked up, but Iceman gained the advantage. He tried early for the Evenflow DDT, but Virus escaped and connected with several punches. Iceman landed a few of his own and went for a Roundhouse Kick, but Virus caught his foot. He tried for a Powerbomb, but Iceman reversed it into a Hurricarrana.

Both men got to their feet and Iceman went for a Headscissors, but Virus countered it into a Spinning Powerbomb. He locked Iceman in a Triangle Choke, but Iceman got to the ropes. He went for a Clothsline, but Iceman countered it into an Arm Drag and locked Virus in a Fujiwara Armbar. Virus screamed in pain but managed to roll over, taking Iceman with him and pinning him. Iceman released the hold and kicked out on 2.

The fans cheered as both men stood. They began trading chops in the center of the ring. Iceman caught Virus off guard with a kick to the stomach followed by a Suplex. Virus escaped the Suplex and tried for a German Suplex. Iceman reversed it and tried for a German of his own. Virus reversed it and tried for the Pedigree. Iceman countered with a Double Leg Takedown. He tried for the Sharpshooter, but Virus countered a Rollup. Iceman managed to kick out on 2.

They got to their feet, but Virus sent Iceman back down with a Clothsline and locked him in a Figure 4 Leg Lock. Iceman screamed in pain but managed to roll over, reversing the pressure and forcing Virus to release the hold. Both men lay in the ring as the ref started the 10 count. Iceman looked over and saw Virus holding his knee. He Smiled as he got to his feet.

The Iceman locked Virus in a Leg Lock but Virus quickly got to the ropes. Virus got to his feet and Iceman nailed him in the knee with a Dropkick. Both men get to their feet, but Virus knocked Iceman down with a Clothsline. He catapulted Iceman across the ring, where his head was busted open on the ring post. The Iceman's face was a Crimson Mask as Virus picked him up. He tried for the Pedigree, but Iceman countered it and locked Virus in the Sharpshooter. Virus tried to get to the ropes, but it was no use. After a few minutes, Virus tapped out.

The Iceman held the SPW Heavyweight high as he celebrated with Scorpion and Oni. Dante came to the ring to check on his partner. He got ready to fight as the Celtic Connection walked towards them, but Iceman just wanted to shake Virus' hand. They stood in the center of the ring, shaking hands as Night Of Champions went off the air.


The Virus defeated Reptile
Jade defeated Oni and MIllena to become Women's Champion
The Iceman defeated Scorpion
Unstoppable Force defeated 5 Alarm to become Tag Team Champions

The Iceman defeated The Virus to become Heavyweight Champion

Monday, August 16, 2004

Night Of Champions Theme Song

SPW Management has announced that "Faith Of The Heart" by Russell Watson and "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica will be the theme songs for Night Of Champions

Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Night Of Champions Is Coming!

Superstar Pro Wrestling is excited to announce that their first show, Night Of Champions, will air on August 22. The night will see the crowning of three champions as 5 Alarm will face the Unstoppable Force for the Tag Team Championship. Jade, Oni, and Millena will square off to determine the Women's Champion. And a one night tournament will be held with John Majors, Reptile, The Iceman, and Scorpion battling it out to determine who will be the Heavyweight Champion