Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Powersurge #1

Footage from Night Of Champions is shown. When it finish, "Set It Off" by P.O.D. plays as the first episode of Powersurge begins. After the "Mad Mikey" Madden and Tommy Dangerous talked about Night Of Champions, the Black Dragons made their way to the ring. As they walked to the ring, it was announced that the Unstoppable Force would be defending the Tag Team Championship against 5 Alarm at Dragonstar 4.

Reptile grabbed the mic and talked about how he was cheated out of what he felt was his. That he would have won the belt if it hadn't been for interference by the "Freak in red." He called the man who interfered in his match out to the ring. Suddenly flames erupted on stage, traveled down the ramp and shot out of the ring posts before a man in a red mask appeared on the Jumbotron. He said that what he did to Reptile at Night Of Champions was a taste of things to come. That Reptile had been tormenting him for years but someone or something always prevented him from destroying Reptile. He said that at Dargonstar, there would be nothing to stop him and he would feel the full fury of Firestorm Unleashed. The Dragons made their way to the back, not saying whether or not Reptile accepted the challenge, as Powersurge went to a commercial.

As Powesurge returned form commercial, the Heavyweight Champion The Iceman made his way to the ring. After talking about Night Of Champions, he said something was wrong. Looking at Madden, he said that some people wondered f he deserved to be champion. After all, He had been in only one match, while Virus had been in two, including the one right before the main event. With that he called Virus to the ring. He said that he had talked to Commissioner Bret Hurtz and at Dragonstar, we would see who was the better man as they would face each other again with the belt on the line. Virus pointed out that he was already defending the Tag belts against 5 Alarm, but Iceman was ready. The Tag Team title match would be the first one, and Iceman would be in the second one against the winner of tonight's main event: Fezik or The Dark Knight. After thinking about it for a second, Virus accepted, saying that he didn't know what to expect at Night Of Champions. At Dragonstar, he would be ready for The Iceman. They shook hands as Powersurge went to commercial.

The first match of the night saw Oni facing Millena to see who would be facing Jade for the Women's title at Dragonstar. Reptile accompanied Millina to the ring. Both women traded control of the match early on, with both scoring several near falls. Oni locked Millena in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Reptile pulled her out off Millena. She started yelling at Reptile, giving Millina the opportunity she needed. She rolled Oni up with a School Girl to get the pinfall and become the #1 contender to the Women's Title.

After an ad for Dragonstar, The Kombatants teamed up to face 5 Alarm. Both teams started talking trash before the bell rang and started fighting as soon as it did. 5 Alarm used quick tags and isolated Scorpion in their corner. They went for the Wild Fire, but Iceman save his brother and got the tag. He speared Inferno and sent him to the mat with the Millenium Suplex. He went for the pin, but Reptile ran to the ring and pulled him out. They started fighting outside the ring as the ref called for the bell, disqualifying 5 Alarm. Scorpion tried to help his brother, but they were no match for the superior numbers of the Black Dragons until flames erupted from the stage, startling the Dragons and giving the Kombatants the chance they needed to connect with their finishers. They retreated to the back as Powersurge went to a comemrcail.

After the commercial, the Kombatants were walking in back when they saw The Dark Knight. They welcomed their friend to SPW, but he was upset that he had to face Fezik in his first match in several months. Iceman said he knew something that might help Dark Knight win. If the person who wins tonight defeats the Hardcore Hero at Dagonstar, the will also earn a shot at the title at Fall Fight. Dark Knight smiled and said he better hurry. His match was next.

The Dark Knight took on the Biggest Man In Pro Wrestling, Fezik, in the main event. The powerful Fezik dominated Dark Knight in the opening minutes of the match until Dark Knight left the ring. He grabbed a chair and returned to the ring, but the ref took the chair. With the ref's back turned, Dark Knight nailed Fezik with a Low Blow. He locked him in a Scorpion Death Lock, but Fezik powered out of it. He sent Dark Knight to the mat with the Capafara and went for the pin, but 5 Alarm ran to the ring. They distracted the ref while Reptile tossed him a pair of Brass Knuckles. He nailed Fezik with a loaded Uppercut and got the pin. He started celebrating until he remembered how he won. Dark Knight stared at the Dragons as they retreated up the ramp and Powersurge went off the air.


Millina defeated Oni to become #1 Contender to the Women's Title
The Kombatants defeated 5 Alarm by Diqualification
The Dark Knight defeated Fezik

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