Monday, August 23, 2004

Night Of Champions

"Faith Of The Heart" by Russell Watson and "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica plays as footage of the wrestlers competing tonight was shown. After the footage ended, Tommy Dangerous and "Mad Mikey" Madden welcomed everyone to Superstar Pro Wrestling.

Former World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hurtz made his way to the ring and welcomed everyone to Night Of Champions. After announcing that he had been named Commissioner of SPW by the Board Of Directors, he called out the teams that would be competing for the Tag Team Championship later tonight; 5 Alarm and the Unstoppable Force. He said that there was a slight change of plans for tonight. John Majors was supposed to participate in the Heavyweight Title tournament, but was out due to injury. As a result, the four men in the ring would draw straws to see who would face Reptile. All made their picks and the one with the short straw was The Virus.


Reptile came out and said that Virus may as well walk to the back and forfeit the match, because he would win and become the first SPW Heavyweight Champion. They started arguing and Hurtz said that if they wanted to fight that was fine. The Women's title match would be moved back, the ring would be cleared, and their match would be next.

Both men started trading punches and kicks. Virus gained the advantage and attempted to Clothsline Reptile out of the ring, but Reptile avoided it and Virus went out instead. They began fighting on the floor as the ref started the ten count. They both returned to the ring as the ref reached 9 and Virus connected with a DDT before going for the pin. Millena ran down to the ring and distracted the ref before he could make the 3 count. As Virus argued with the ref, Reptile rolled him up in a small package for 2.

Reptile sent Virus to the mat with a Bulldog and went for Venom, but Virus powered out of Reptile's grip and threw him over the top rope, giving him time to recover. Reptile tried to return to the ring but Virus connected with a Baseball Slide. They resume fighting outside, and Virus went for a Powerbimb, but Reptile countered it with a Low Blow and returned to the ring.

Virus gets to the ring apron as the ref reached 7. Reptile tried to knock him off, but Virus blocked a punch and countered with one of his own before returning to the ring. He went for a DDT, but Reptile fought out of it and connected with the Devil Spin Kick, but could only get a 2 count. As Reptile argued with the ref, Virus sent him to the mat with a German Suplex, but Reptile kicked out on 2.

Both men got to their feet and started trading punches. Virus went for the Pedigree, but Reptile managed to escape and connected with a stiff kick. He whipped Virus into the corner and landed several punches before sending Virus to the mat with Venom. Before Reptile could get the pin, a masked man in red ran down to the ring. Reptile tried for a sidekick, but the masked man caught the kick and sent Reptile to the mat with a Capture Suplex before retreating to the back.

Both men got to their feet at the same time, but The virus was a little faster and managed to send Reptile to the mat with the Pedigree to get the win and advance to the main event.

An ad for SPW's weekly show, Powersurge, which will premier next Sunday aired. Tommy Dangerous told everyone to tune in to the first episode of Powersurge as two huge new members to the roster will make their SPW debut.


Oni, Millena, and Jade squared off to determine the first SPW Women's Champion. Madden pointed out the friendship between Jade and Oni as the women made their way to the ring, suggesting that Millena would be at a disadvantage, and it seemed like he was right as the bell rang. Jade and Oni teamed up against Millena until Millena ducked a punch, causing Jade to punch Oni. They started fighting as Millena looked on. Jade climbed to the top rope, but before she could do anything, Oni pushed her off and sent her crashing to the floor.

As Oni turned around, she was greeted by a Dropkick from Millena. The two traded chops until Jade returned to the ring and nailed Oni with a Missle Dropkick from the top rope. They continued to fight, ignoring Millena. Oni sent Jade flying with a Snap Suplex, but before she could do anything else, Millena attacked, eventually throwing Oni out of the ring. She then concentrated on Jade, landing several punches and kicks. Jade managed to fight back and sent Millena flying over the top rope with a Dropkick.

Oni snuck back into the ring and whipped Jade into the corner. She landed several punches before sending Jade to the mat with a Bulldog. She went for a Springboard Splash, but Jade rolled out of the way.

Millena returned to the ring and locked Jade in a Side Headlock, turning her away from the ref and landing a few punches to the face. Jade managed to break free and caught Millena's foot when she went for a Sidekick. Oni jumped off the top rope and connected with a Crossbody to both of them, sending all three women to the mat. The ref started a 10 count, but all three of them managed to get to their feet by 6. Jade and Oni double team Millena, sending her to the mat with a Double Clothsline before Oni connected with the Hammer Heel Kick. Before she could go for the pin, Jade rolled her up with a School Girl to get the 3 count and become the first SPW Women's Champion.


After an ad for Dragonstar 5, it was time to see who would face The Virus for the Heavyweight title as The Iceman took on his brother Scorpion. After shaking hands, the brothers began circling each other until Scorpion whipped Iceman into the corner. He went for a dropkick but the Hardcore Hero moved out of the way. He picked Scorpion up and was going to go for the Millennium Suplex, but Scorpion escaped and connected with the Quick Strike. He went for a Leg Drop, but Iceman again moved out of the way. He connected with several punches and whipped Scorpion into the ropes, but Scorpion was ready and nailed his brother with a Springboard Spinning Wheel Kick. He went for the pin, but Iceman kicked out on 2.

Both men get to their feet and Iceman tried for a Roundhouse, but Scorpion jumped over the ropes to avoid it. He tried for another Springboard Spinning Wheel Kick, but Iceman drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring. He returns to the ring and Scorpion tries for a Side Kick, but Iceman dodges it and sends Scorpion to the mat with a Back Drop. Iceman whipped Scorpion into the corner and connected with a Drop Kick. He went for the Spear, but Scorpion avoided the move, sending Iceman into the ring post and busting him open.

Scorpion connects with a stiff Side Kick. He tries for a Suplex, but Iceman escapes and lands several punches before sending Scorpion to the mat with a DDT. As Scorpion gets up, Iceman sends him back down with a Spear and goes for the pin, but only gets 2.

Both men get to their feet and Iceman tries for a Superkick, but Scorpion blocks it and sends his brother to the mat with a Dragon Screw. He locks Iceman in the Scorpion's Grip, but Iceman gets to the ropes. He locks Scorpion in a Cross Arm Breaker, but Scorpion also gets to the ropes. Scorpion connected a European Uppercut and tried for a Powerbomb, but Iceman revered it into the Sonicarrana to get the win and advance to the main event. He helps his brother up and they shake hands as Night Of Champions goes to a commercial.


The Unstoppable Force took on 5 Alarm to see who would be the first ever SPW Tag Team Champions. 5 Alarm attacked before the bell rang and it was a few minutes before the ref could get Dante and Inferno out of the ring. Smoke quickly took control, connecting with a Dropkick to the knees followed by a Spinning Wheel Kick to the head. He tried for a Side Kick, but Virus blocked it and sent him to the mat with a Clothsline. He tried for a Suplex, but Smoke reversed it and went for one of his own. Virus escaped and sent Smoke flying across the ring with a Release German Suplex. He went for the pin, but could only get a 2 count.

Virus tagged in Dante. Dante climbed to the top rope and nailed Smoke with a Missile Dropkick. He applied the Iron Claw, but Smoke broke the hold with a Thumb to the eye. He tagged in Inferno, who went for a Clothsline, but Dante sent him to the mat with a deep Arm Drag and locked him in an Arm Bar. Inferno got to the ropes, breaking the hold and both men got to their feet. They locked up, but Dante gained the advantage and sent Inferno to the mat with a Snap Suplex. He climbed to the top rope and tried for the Frog Splash, but Inferno rolled out of the way.

Inferno locked Dante in a Side Headlock. Dante got to the ropes and Inferno whipped him into the corner. He connected with the Shoryuken and went for the pin, but Dante managed to kick out on 2. He picked up Dante and went for a second Shoryuken, but Dante dodged it and sent Inferno to the mat with a Spinebuster before tagging in Virus.

Virus entered the ring and blocked a punch before connecting with one of his own. He whipped Inferno into the ropes and sent him to the mat with a Powerbomb before going for a Leg Drop. Inferno rolled out of the way and connected with a stiff kick to the head. He went for a DDT, but Virus reversed it into a Back Drop. He tried for a Vertical Suplex, but Inferno reversed it and sent Virus to the mat with a Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop.

Inferno signaled for Wild Fire. He lifted Virus into position, but before Smoke could jump, Dante ran in and pulled Virus down. Both team started fighting until Dante sent Smoke over the top rope and followed him out. Inferno was about to follow when Virus grabbed him and sent him to the mat with the Pedigree. 3 seconds later and the Unstoppable Force were the Tag Team Champions.

Julie Carpenter was backstage with Commissioner Bret Hurtz. To reminded everyone to tune in this Wednesday to the first ever Powersurge. In addition to news on the first SPW Pay Per View, Dragonstar 5, the main event of Powersurge would feature two huge new superstars making their SPW debut.


A video is shown of the careers of The Virus and The Iceman leading up to tonight's main event. Virus was still in the ring holding the Tag Team belt as Iceman walked down the ramp. He checked to see if Virus was ready and both men shook hands as the bell rang.

They locked up, but Iceman gained the advantage. He tried early for the Evenflow DDT, but Virus escaped and connected with several punches. Iceman landed a few of his own and went for a Roundhouse Kick, but Virus caught his foot. He tried for a Powerbomb, but Iceman reversed it into a Hurricarrana.

Both men got to their feet and Iceman went for a Headscissors, but Virus countered it into a Spinning Powerbomb. He locked Iceman in a Triangle Choke, but Iceman got to the ropes. He went for a Clothsline, but Iceman countered it into an Arm Drag and locked Virus in a Fujiwara Armbar. Virus screamed in pain but managed to roll over, taking Iceman with him and pinning him. Iceman released the hold and kicked out on 2.

The fans cheered as both men stood. They began trading chops in the center of the ring. Iceman caught Virus off guard with a kick to the stomach followed by a Suplex. Virus escaped the Suplex and tried for a German Suplex. Iceman reversed it and tried for a German of his own. Virus reversed it and tried for the Pedigree. Iceman countered with a Double Leg Takedown. He tried for the Sharpshooter, but Virus countered a Rollup. Iceman managed to kick out on 2.

They got to their feet, but Virus sent Iceman back down with a Clothsline and locked him in a Figure 4 Leg Lock. Iceman screamed in pain but managed to roll over, reversing the pressure and forcing Virus to release the hold. Both men lay in the ring as the ref started the 10 count. Iceman looked over and saw Virus holding his knee. He Smiled as he got to his feet.

The Iceman locked Virus in a Leg Lock but Virus quickly got to the ropes. Virus got to his feet and Iceman nailed him in the knee with a Dropkick. Both men get to their feet, but Virus knocked Iceman down with a Clothsline. He catapulted Iceman across the ring, where his head was busted open on the ring post. The Iceman's face was a Crimson Mask as Virus picked him up. He tried for the Pedigree, but Iceman countered it and locked Virus in the Sharpshooter. Virus tried to get to the ropes, but it was no use. After a few minutes, Virus tapped out.

The Iceman held the SPW Heavyweight high as he celebrated with Scorpion and Oni. Dante came to the ring to check on his partner. He got ready to fight as the Celtic Connection walked towards them, but Iceman just wanted to shake Virus' hand. They stood in the center of the ring, shaking hands as Night Of Champions went off the air.


The Virus defeated Reptile
Jade defeated Oni and MIllena to become Women's Champion
The Iceman defeated Scorpion
Unstoppable Force defeated 5 Alarm to become Tag Team Champions

The Iceman defeated The Virus to become Heavyweight Champion

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